time(seconds) unlimited file(blocks) 2097151 data(kbytes) unlimited stack(kbytes) 16384 coredump(blocks) 32768 nofiles(descriptors) 2048 memory(kbytes) unlimited
man ulimit显示:
-f The number of 512-byte blocks on files that can be written by the current process and its child processes (files of any size may be read). On file systems (such as vxfs file systems) that support large files, setting this limit to unlimited represents the largest file size supported on the file system. See ``Notices'', below.
注意里面的child process。那么去掉这个限制,需要传的文件是1.3个G,应该未超出文件系统限制(2G)。执行ulimit -f unlimited。再查看,file的限制已经是unlimited了。再从另一台机子上往这台机子上put文件,还是报一样的错误。
现在退出本机登录的用户,再重新登录,果然,ulimit -a查看的文件大小限制,又变回了2097151块。想必有地方配置它为系统参数使其永久生效,急于回家暂不研究,将ulimit -f unlimited写进.profile文件里走人。