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photoshop ico大概无人知道Adobe公司的Photoshop这样行业标准级的图像处理软件为何不直接支持windows图标格式。结果只好人手一个ICOFormat插件。然而有时这个插件也会失效,为什么呢?ICOFormat插件分64位和32位版,在确保各版本8bi文件放入正确的photoshop插件目录后,如果另存为选项中仍未出现ico或cur格式文件,那么需注意的一点是: 要另存的图像文件分辨率必须小于256X256点,否则将被插件自动过滤。



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  • Cherry
    Cherry 2016年12月27日 21:43

    KevinThose same numbers that you speak of must be put into context of the competitiion. Pau would shine against the Ph&o1ixe#82n7;s, Golden States, Clevelands in the league, but against the top teams with bigs that were able to muscle him he wasnt consistent. He got his numbers, but the numbers dont tell the entire story. I could care less if he drops 30 on the Wizards, I want to see it against Miami.